RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Editing Life

Saturated with silence, editing life and fitting it like
a puzzle into verses of prose.
Entitling lessons learned along the way to be spoken from
depths of unknowing emotion.

Nightfall's Stanzas

Moonbeams silently aligning my heart with nature
as I sit in loneliness, hoping for happier times.
Becoming fastidious in everyday strife, walking
away into nightfall's musical stanzas of belonging.

Gazing Inwardly

Motions upward and down, placating inner desires
of bliss through melodies of inspiration.
Taking hold in recesses and depths of our minds,
grasping our hearts and souls, unwinding emotions

Musical Bouquets

Sounding out verses in a myriad of ways,
touching masterpieces of art with musical
expressions through words set in bouquets,
arranged to touch hearts of anyone who

Times Of Deceasement

Silent tributes sent down through the years,
blessed by relatives in their times of
Likely attributes center amid many thoughts

Night Edges

Voices Of The World

Melodies of a small world, spinning about my mind,
thinking of my son and granddaughter at Disneyland.
A constant song played throughout the entire day.
Reminders of how we are all joined by musical scores

A Tangle Of Music

Energetic feelings colliding in a tangle of musical
scores, arranging notes into polkas of extraordinary
wonder and awe.
Tantalizing, glorified beauty, sounding over air waves,

A Silent Knowing Held Deep

A knowing held deep inside, awaiting it's time of
Holding tears in chalices of glass and gold,
seeing images flowing past, becoming part of

Touching Shadows

Lively anticipation collecting itself in piles of
exacting pleasure.
Torching shadows within, lighting fires of desire,
tempting avenues of being into new existences,

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