RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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One so small, so sweet, so happy,
embracing life with joyful laughter.
Running, jumping, suddenly stopping to investigate
something that has aroused his curiosity.

Reflective Contemplation

Leaves changing colors in the dark of night.
Moon shining, reflecting yellow and red from
branches holding out their arms.
Life is like trees, showing off their splendor,

Final Fragrance Of Life

A journey of life has almost been completed,
folding gently like a rose about to fall to the ground.

Fragrant scent even now fading from existent smells;

Empty World

The world becomes an empty place as you grow old.
People whom you love die, family dwindles in size.
Everywhere your eyes cast their glance there are thoughts
of lost romance and love, reminders lying around.

Old Blue

Old Blue knew he was smarter than anyone else.
Every day he'd go lie down in his favorite spot beneath
the trees and look out over the fields.
For hours he'd daydream about things he was going to do in life.


If tonight I should disappear from life,
would it matter?

If my shadow never again appeared on the shores

Shared Times

Portraits of inner sadness float out into the open so we may
watch and see what it is we are thinking so carefully about.

Realizing the single purpose of our crying, we begin

Maturity Growing

Life, once so full - so fragrant - now lies dying
amongst friends.
Caring no more for things sought in life to keep busy,
now it rocks gently in the cradle of death.

Near Death

Polite, quiet, respectful,
fully aware of God's presence in the room.
Prayerful, hoping against all hope,
yet knowing the end is near.

Reflecting Darkness

Lights reflecting the darkness of my soul.
It has been drenched in sorrow for so long.
Retired attitudes of life lie crumpled in corners,
awaiting restatement of tomorrow's fate.

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