RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Whispered Conversations

Forsaken pictures and images being left alone on doorsteps to future relapses of loneliness.
Taking sorrowful pieces of life and gluing them into etchings of beauty.
Signaling brain cells to picture thoughts in alignment with selective decisions, adding comments as they arise in whispered conversations, and held quietly in intelligent minds.

Weaving Reasons

Wandering wherever the music takes me,
going within this lonely shell of mine.
Weaving reasons through poetry,
and delighting in the words that become

Deathly Excitement

Diving into the sky, spread-eagled, falling quickly to earth.
Landscapes unfolding as I get closer to the end of my free fall, not really wanting to pull the rip chord just yet.
Wanting the experience of falling to last a little longer.
Eventually, letting the chute do it's job, as I hold the toggle lines and float to earth.

Declining Life Quality

Rising Energy

Resting upon aging laurels, listening to an upbeat song being sung by a gentleman with a great voice.
Getting everyone to join in and smile.
Jotting down words from his memory, filling our heads with humorous laughter.
Being joyful and taking us all on a ride through rhythm and humor, making everyone have a great time at the Wagon Yard.

Western Hospitality


Tripping tonight, finding pathways leading out of life,
wanting to explore and find out what's beyond the turn
Wondering what sorts of treasures would be found and

Mediocre Life

Wishful thinking, always singing
about getting or being rich.
Wanting to live leisurely with no
worries to mar the years ahead.


Meeting Buddy Stubbs

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