RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Song Of A Youthful Crush

Singing a song of a youthful crush, refreshing and openly splashing a childish love of special designs that come from being friends.

Learning to match feelings and emotions with a reality that will be treasured all through life, but for now just enjoying how a
youthful crush makes one feel so alive and loving.

Cow - Hand Memory

An old cow-hand memory coming to mind in a rhythm that starts out slowly, then gets aboard a locomotive, traveling at a rapid speed.

Bringing together images of once wanting to be in love just because it sounded good to this young teenager having a lot to learn about love before finding out the truth of true love.

Tending To Sounds Of A Good Life

Listening to a song of sweetened candy as life is being compared to a lovely time where hearts come together.

Tending to sounds of a good life, in order to keep going in this temporary world here on earth.

Rapid Rhythms Creating Interior Excitement

Racing through the night, giving music a run for its money in rapid rhythms as they keep racing down the tracks.

Train whistle blowing, helping to keep track of where you're going, living in rhythms being clapped and sung quickly.

Yesterday's Sounds

Music playing from the good old days as we're enjoying the sounds of yesterday, wanting Dad and Mom to dance, but they've both gone out, wanting to be alone together.

Matching and finding energy to be combined and lived in signatures of what used to bring meaning to their hearts and souls back then.

Interrupted Voice

Interrupted voice being clouded by a sound that just can't seem to be sung tonight, wandering along trails that wind throughout forests of make-believe.

Not having anywhere to rest or hide from mistakes made in life, searching, hoping to find some semblance of love, sitting back, drinking coffee.

Tossing Whispers

Walking dreamily beneath a starry sky that holds a spell just for a poet taking time to walk in the darkness alone.

An interior peaceful feeling that holds heart and mind so tightly, taking rhythms gently hand in hand.

Beaten Heart

A lone chair standing at an empty table, maybe feeling the sadness of someone who has yet to come and stop for a while.

A heart having been beaten until it's black and blue from a constant barrage of abuse through the years, giving off only messages of a poverty in love.

Murmurs Hanging In The Air

Murmurs of heated discussions still hanging in the air after you have turned away, leaving this woman's heart alone and bereaved.

Nothing left but to walk into a land of past dreams, no longer wanting to be treated by an abusive love that should never have happened in a once peaceful woman's life.

Tossing Tones

Swift rhythms tossing their tones back and forth in the atmosphere, softening and cheering in the night.

Not really wanting to dance to the music, giving away temptations as they sneak into the rhythms.

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