RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Racism Is Passe!

Recognizing rhythms as they rock their way into our lives here
tonight, being proud to be together without any intolerance,
hatred or prejudice, nothing to do with racism for it is passe!

Tasty Melodies

Lights still flashing, strobe lights finding their way through
fast-paced rhythms where nothing gets in the way of their en-
ticing and enlivening tempos.

Holding Onto Precious Moments

Darling, I love being with you throughout this life, you bring so
much happiness and joy into it, always being closely tied in love,
a freedom giving me the world, an unconditional feeling of being
safe and protected.

Wondering Curiously

Early morning, mind wanting to write poetry first thing,
obliging always, for it gives great pleasure in doing so.

Wondering, curious how this day is going to turn out and

Silently Waiting

Silent, thinking, reticent, just sitting here writing poetry,
letting feelings filter through music and it's rhythms, all
soothing, calming this interior intellect with a purpose.

Lonely Pilgrims

Hearing whispers calling from somewhere beyond this horizon,
listening intently, hearing their saddened and sorrowful tones
coming through the music.

Decorations Creating Mazes

Decorations hung, casting their designs and patterns on
passers-by, having no other purpose than to fill up space
upon the walls.

Converging Thoughts

Looking around the room as if it's the last time I will ever
see it, dance floor emptied of people as they sit at tables
having their refreshments of coffee and cookies.

Life Dwindling

Everyone should take some moments in their favorite places
where they often go with the love of their lives, sitting
there alone, perceiving feelings and emotions.

Secrets Of Life

Enlightenment wandering into my mind, touching me deeply
inside where secrets of my life have been kept sacredly
and religiously.

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