RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Shaping Pockets

Delving into pockets of clay, shaping new ideas,
forming their identities along the way and
producing novel lines of imagination on the way.
Solitary pieces of puzzles always beginning and

Poetical Discovery

Never far beyond a thought, always on the brink of a
new poetical discovery, naming feelings and images
of life's exhausting embrace.
Deadened limbs, holding yet, fruits of nature with

Natural Cleansing

Desert rainstorms falling upon arid plains,
awaiting long drinks of water.
Odors of creosol fill the atmosphere,
absorbing all smells and smog in the air.

Puzzle Thoughts

Recesses of my mind are never at play, they find
every opportunity to create and learn.
A positive attribute challenging imagination and
subconscious thinking of cognitive puzzle thoughts.

Imaginational World

Silent, still, peaceful, whispering softly into
moonlit nights, waking from a deep sleep in dreams
of longevity.
Aware of a new freedom coming from destiny's hold -

Reminding Memories

Inquietude of life's passing, surfaces momentarily
through dark days of reminding memories.
Left standing alone on porches of deceit, nowhere to
turn, no one to calm insistent doubts of yesterday.

A Son's Peace

Feeling always a part o nature, growing plants,
flowers, vegetables in and around the house.
Watching everything grow lush and green before
his eyes, my son enjoys the calming effect it

Disguises Of People

People wearing many disguises, afraid to be themselves,
pretending to know who they are.
Yet, within lies human nature with all it's faults and
doubts, insinuating itself in minds of already frail


Sadness lying within each one
of us because we can never be
fulfilled until our lives are
finished and we meet God face

Birthday Suits

Certain raiments of interior life are frilly, lacey
and soft to the touch of feelings.
Gently wearing costumes of reality on beings of
tantamount gentility.

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