RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Projecting Flames

Fire burning deep inside my imagination, never hurting, only projecting it's flames on my mind.
Feeling the pressure of it's heat, warming thoughts that will be written down, because of feelings hitting at solemn times in life.
A burning fire, purifying all thinking as time moves forward.

Reaching Out

An enjoyable evening with a small crowd of people.
Reaching out in humor with songs and talk of family.
Joking around, holding our minds in a territory not many can attain.
Human spirits, beautiful to behold on earth, with eyes always on heaven's gates.

Softened Feelings

Hopping down lanes of being, taking softened feelings into mires of harmony.
Holding onto hopes with a tender heart and soul.
Giving intuition a calm rhetoric, following each idea down opposite directions, never opposing the flow of words in tandem with musical etudes.

Sanity Of Harmony

Listening to an energy filling the room, feeling the compassion and unity of the people
A sanity of harmony coalescing in smiles from everyone.
Touching the essence of each person here.

Standing Still

Falling over steps in life,
too steep to climb up them.
Staying on landings where it's safer,
never moving into realms of fulfillment.

Awakening My Soul

Raining in imagination's depths, purifying all manner of suffering in life.
Scratching letters in the mud, telling of the many ideas coming down with the rain.
Awesome pictures, filled with hopes in tomorrow's fate, closer than anyone thinks.
Reaching out, feeling the rain pour down upon me, awakening my soul to life again.

Final Harbor

Deepened Faith

Fighting to resume my life, with every ounce of stubborness within me.
Doing my best to heal from all the medical problems of this past year, especially.
Walking upright, mind being held by a deepened faith, delving constantly into musical interludes, developing poetry.
Always wanting to be there so I can live in the hope of promises made by our Lord before I was born.

Placed In Hearts

Two people singing about love being lost, crying over it's death.
Associated with a deepening of loss, touching us with a saddened song, being sung for everyone who has lost someone in their lives.
A steady rhythm being placed in hearts of many as they are brought to their knees in hopes of reviving the love they so desperately wanted.

Shakily Singing

Snowing into imagination,
shaking foundations of music.
Crawling notes, holding on for
dear life as a woman shakily sings,

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