RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Hiding Mountains

Looking out into the future of nature, seeing it's
tenuous mountains standing erect and protective all
around our thriving city.

Facts Of Being

Looking up into a tree, it's branches looking deadened,
scratching my eyes with their forlorn presence.

Taking away, thinking of their beauty once so much

Shining Rhythm

Sitting outside by a fountain, flowing with innate
energy around the pool, surrounding it.

Spider webs, invisible until a gentle breeze comes

New Morning Sun

Watching water flowing quickly in a circle around the pool
below a fountain, seeing it's energy being projected in
ripples, circling and crossing it's surface in the sunlight
of this new morning sun.

Flowing Waters

Feeling all the pleasure being brought to me
through an energy of flowing waters.

Allowing me to watch how gentle winds can ripple,

Mind Of Beginning

Responding to calls of nature while sitting here inside by
the computer, writing.

Whiling away in wonder and curiosity, letting imagination

Interior Images

Playing faith to sounds coming from an interior piano,
letting hope jump into the fray, and coming alive this
very day.

Participating In Intellect

Letting the door of my mind slam and reverberate throughout
intellect, awakening it's pulses and letting edges be seen
alive and vibrating with colors.

Rhythms Of Imagination

Wonderfully and happily turning ideas into words you are
reading here, coming from deep inside intellect just
because they are better fitted right now to the rhythms
I am hearing.

Darkness Of Sorrow

Traveling through the darkness blindly, cannot find the
way, praying for light to shine and show the way.

Piercing flames blazing into mind, burning memories

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