RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Thoughts Solving Equations In Time

Arousing thoughts calmly, entering mind and intellect, solving equations mathematically being formulated for the day.

Experiencing and testing them all one by one, exhausting every avenue, getting exacting equations that work in several different ways.

A Life Lived And Appreciated

Scaling mountains in minds of ingenuity that achieve great things throughout this life, walking in and out of every experience as life continues to be lived and appreciated.

Taking mysteries of centuries, rejuvenating and refreshing their honest, perfect solutions, using them in other ways, taking and reinventing them in many avenues of life.

An Awareness Of Hidden Mysteries

Rhythms hurrying along, keeping up with this poet, writing to the energy and peace held within, feeling positive moods and attitudes in these rhythms of music.

They incessantly take mind and intellect into an imaginational reality where mind is immersed in a bluened light of the Divine, taking time in another dimension.

Making Headway Into Diverse Avenues

Mysteries of life are fascinating and begging to be known in the light of day, investigating, researching and looking for designs and patterns that need to be discovered seeing them and figuring them out, doing this in order to make headway into diverse avenues.

Bringing answers to the forefront to be developed into what we need to progress even further into fields of medical technology, engineering and electronics, creating and devising inventions of the future that will end up helping all of humanity.

Reminidscent Thoughts

Thinking while walking into an interior dimension, mind encircling them like a cowboy lassoing cattle, touching upon the old west of yesterday.

Hearing cowboys singing their country-western songs out here in the desert, measuring times by sunsets and sunrises every day.

Remembering A First True Love

Rhythms tap dancing down measures of melodies, leaving behind such sweet and abiding thoughts of love and desire.

Remembering a first true love that didn't last for long, because a wandering eye and heart found another woman.

Hidden Shadows

Music calling, rhythms taking steps up and down chords where life has chosen to live in hidden shadows of a darkened corner.

Finding a somnolent passage of time, testing and experiment-
ing with notes and tempos as they continue riding throughout the night.

Canoe Of Thoughts

Storms of life throwing winds of fate into passages of destiny, flowing and separate in ways of living in an emptiness of abandonment.

One that takes away from the beauty of what could've been instead, looking ahead, seeing details that rock minds in a canoe of thoughts as it flows downstream never looking for a place to stop and rest in this temporary earthly life.

Preferring To Ride Alone

Saddling up, riding away down dusty trails through the desert, staying off main roads for they're traveled way too often.

Preferring to ride alone into the sunset each and every night, thoughts building along the way, rejoicing in melodies as they're sung by others in the past.

Feeling The Loneliness Of Life

There's always something that one wants in life, but it seems the timing in never right, so walking away, feeling the intense
loneliness of life.

Never having an unconditional love, not able to face another day of disappointment, wanting, wishing, nothing comes from any of it for there's no miracle forthcoming in this world.

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