RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Suggestions Flowing

Getting later by the minute, yet energy is rising, taking this
heart and mind into the arms of musical rhythms that touch this
mind and caress an interior being.

Love Taking Away

Love takes away from who we are because it's selfish and needy,
wanting all our attention, never wanting to share feelings or
emotions, just taking what we have within us.

Wasting Away

Sifting through ashes of love, finding nothing left of what we
two had in life, your passing fancy has left me drowning in an
intense sorrow that never lets up it's hold on my heart.

Blues Through Tears

Feeling sad, singing the blues through tears of yesterday,
nothing to help these blues to dissipate or fade into the

Lonesome Tune

Listening to that train whistling it's lonesome tune into the
atmosphere, hoping to hear an answering and welcome one coming
back at it.

Unmerciful Agony

Living and dying over and over in this earthly life, no choices
seeming possible as voices of the past continue to weep on the
other side of death's black curtains.

Draining Of Love's Pretenses

Heart melting into feelings of misplaced desires, not having
any regard for mysteries of life or a way to search their
puzzling effects upon each of us.

Moments Of Sorrow And Anguish

Quietly unfolding in the midst of rhythms, writing solely to
the anguish that takes hold in moments of sorrow.

Cupping hands together, filling them with tears that continue

Years Of Circumstances

Everyone having a great time, dancing, enjoying songs of life
that illuminate what happens here on earth.

Taking lemons at times and making lemon meringue pies, having

Joy And Happiness Never Dissolved

Voices keeping time with guitars and drums, their tempos
following lines of musical notes.

Trailing in waves of emotion, feelings delving quietly

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