RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Blanket Of Darkness

Sun setting over darkened mountains, standing tall on the
western horizon.

Loving the beauty they express constantly day and night,

Animating Inner Thoughts

Pleasure filling me with each new invigorating rhythm,
it's tempo tickling imagination with it's rapid beats,
animating inner thoughts.

Vision In A Moment In Time

Crossing words in puzzles, figuring out their definitions
and placing letters correctly into squares on boards made
of paper.

Forsaking Life

Pounding rhythms bringing light, colors and music onto
inner sheets of rhythm, writing it all down meticulously.

Never losing sight of it as it plays incessantly in this

Meaning In Prayers

Throughout the night, listening to church bells pealing
in the atmosphere.

Quietly, yet ringing their rhythms far and wide, setting

Twinkling Thoughts

Major and minor chords shining and sounding through
the night, touching stars above and setting their
minds twinkling with thoughts of another life.

Ancient Pictures Never Seen

Intense, vibrations touching this mind throughout time in
life, set aside for living and breathing.

Everything coming together, playing with energy of an outer

Not Wanting To Come Back

Remembering feelings and thoughts of death, not wanting
to come back, wanting to stay forever where I felt that
I belonged in heaven.

Heartless Abandonment

Sorrow being poured into my being like milk into a glass,
opaque and cold to the touch of intellect, watching as it
slowly engulfs every fiber and particle of my being.

Standing Next To Myself

Fulfilling inner spirits, recharging batteries of
intellect with nature's essence, pulling me from
the abyss of nothing.

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