RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Knowing There's A Connection

Throughout life, finding no matter what you do,
nothing seems to change for the better except

Seeing Necessities Being Denied

Taking the bull by the horns and charging into depths of
another universe, totally excluding everything else for
the time being.

Sensing Everything

Strumming interior guitars with feelings of harmonic
silence and sadness, soaring into an interior universe
of my soul where I traveled when going to heaven.

Intellect Rising And Falling

A perfect melody being slid from one side of my brain to
the other musically, loving the intensity, pressure and
rapid beats as they entice and tantalize my brain.

Brighter Side Of Life

Silently enjoying this life I'm living interiorly, my
saving grace in a desolate and poverty-stricken life.

Always seeing the brighter side through nature, even

Contemplating Our Lives Together

Delicately scented and tender are my thoughts whenever
thinking of you my dear.

Warm nights, fresh kisses from your soft lips, loving

Imprinted And Etched Forever

Sensations continually filling me from within depths of
my being, soliciting thoughts and concepts from intellect
to express what I'm thinking and feeling interiorly.

Integrity Of The Known

Breathing, inhaling and exhaling through rhythms
of music that I'm listening to.

Touching upon the integrity of everything known

No Need For Measuring Time

Going through forests of imagination, following trails of
innate nature into the beauty of it's reality and fantasy.

Needing to run through this night, dreaming of the wonder

Watching Reflecting Visions

Finding my way into lights of another universe, looking
into details being presented to intellect, tip toeing
through it's immense depths with wonder and awe.

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