RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Tackled Love

Wondering where love hides itself over the year, looking
for it's wonder and exhilaration everywhere, but it's
never found again.

Purpose And Love Disappearing

Reasons abound in life to continue living, not many of
them being valid, according to what I've seen and exper-
ienced in life.

Purpose And Reason

Relieving stress and strife of this day by listening to
music, letting it's rhythms soothe and calm my soul in-

Welcome Greeting

Sun has set some time ago, so now I lay me down
to sleep, dreaming dreams of you my love.

Until waking again in the morning to your welcome

Combining Our Senses

Just you and I together, loving sensuously
throughout the night.

Oh baby, you make me crazy, I want to love

Remembering Loss

Sadness penetrating my mind, remembering all the loss in
life, taking me back into those moments of grief, empti-
ness and loneliness.

Keeping An Inner Faith

Inner beauty of my spirit is filled with love, caring and
compassion for others, as I fill the emptiness hiding with-
in me.

Electric Wisdom

Looking interiorly, seeing doors surrounding me, curious,
I open each of them, experiencing an intense electric wis-
dom as their essence fills me with knowledge of life.

Loving What You Do

Music's playing, lights are lowered, writing poetry and
thinking of you holding me closely, wanting to be with
me always.

Going To The Edge

Feeling dangerous, wanting more from life, going to the
edge and looking over, above seeing a velvet cloudy sky.

Touching it electrically, it's texture alluring my senses

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