RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Quiet Journey

Patterns of thought, escape rules made by others,
wanting to be creative in their own right.

Mirroring Reflections

Searching through looking-glasses, mirroring reflections
of inane curiosity.

Watching Sunsets

Daintily sitting on edges of life, watching sunsets
lessening through the years.

Counting down ages of belonging as we travel our

Innate Soul

Stretching imagination with musical melodies,
finding no limits or expectations of boundaries.

Serenely floating down avenues of ocean waves,

Disjointed Unison

Musicians, young, just starting out, giving a recital.
Notes blaring out, some too sharp, piercing tonal
perfection, wrecking havoc to my ears.
At times flattened, notes distorting sounds that are

Separating Truth

Effects of Alzheimer's clouding minds, erasing memories and
at times, replacing them with false ones.

Forgetting being married and chasing other women with a

Dimensional Intelligence

Blending with my brain, creating masterpieces of artistic
grace within, touching lightly, beatitudes of emotion,
swelling them and focusing musically on their contents.

Eliciting Nature

Oasis Of Nature

Crossing ditches, walking down washes, no water to be seen
until another storm.
Climbing mountains with heartfelt anticipation at sights
that will be seen on the way up.

Keeping Time

Skipping to beats of rhythm on musical scores,
keeping time with my heart and calming my soul
with it's elemental distance.

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