RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Hidden Tensions

Wind shivering through trees, shaking them, mercilessly without reprieve, hoping to find some sense in what they're doing on earth's shores.
Listlessly tantalizing unusual feelings, touching upon severe tensions hiding within, wanting to be released and sent away.
Noting that only bits of stress are released at a time, evenly keeping time with adjusting beats of rhythms in yesterday's melodies.

Always Questioning

Silently investigating questions of life-long ambitions as they are felt indefinitely in places of intellect.
Always questioning, pushing away, pulling self afar - keeping distance from authority so I can be myself and independent all days of my life.

Entering Poems

Staring into space, looking around for something to jump out and enter a poem of insatiable delight.
Interior fervor inviting special schemes of differences to appear in unorderly sequences of reprieve, unduly represented by inordinate details, chasing pictures on a screen, while thinking in abstracts for time eternal.

Writing Guise

Thinking back, relaxing in a revelry of imagination, dreaming of extraordinary feats of intense soliloquy, pretending to be interested in a quality of interior essences.
Yet, really lolling around, waiting to find an escape into a land of wonder and fulfillment under the guise of writing.
Lilting tones, managing to filter into scores of notes as they play unendingly in my mind.

Fallen Ashes

Torrid affairs of the heart, breaking in two, pieces left over from another day when young and restless.
Offering options on ranges of antagonistic realms, interring bodies of fallen ashes, spreading their only meanings throughout mountainous cliffs and ledges, leading to jagged ideas, falling down into canyons of waking death.

Short Order Destiny

Singly rowing towards asinine problems, hoping to derail them off crash courses and into cisterns of unbelievable categories.
Testing and rehearsing many times throughout life, sharing equanimity
with selfish thoughts and finally cleaning everything with solutions everyone can live with in life's short order books of destiny.

Daring To Hope

Standing in lines of extreme delicacy, hoping to become famous and take off into atmospheres of divine grace.
Choosing selections that will bring my future to fruition, taking chances, daring to risk life and limb just to focus on a future destiny without poverty in the picture.
Hoping to become rich and famous so I may help others to attain their goals of financial freedom and wholesome independence.

Uncomprehending Sorrow

Silently singing within, mourning losses of family, unable to recuperate right now.
Instead, finding it difficult to comprehend any of the sorrow as it lies heavily upon my heart,

Interior Videos

Changing times, backing up into memories, alive with thoughtful images of family and friends.
Taking parts of every function, aligning them in videos of my mind to be played continually forever in my interior mind of wisdom.
Calling to mind, visual appearances of picturesque visions, filled with talent and insipid inspiration on fields of beautiful artistry.

A Bereaved Poet's Catacombs

Indefinite circumstances piling up against reality, insinuating
themselves into close proximity, dampening spirits of happiness
and joy.

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