RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Young Ones

Sending messages of caring to young ones through poetry and taking time to play and talk to them.
It's amazing how they open up and blossom when someone pays attention to them.
A wonderful way to share their little joys through poetry.

Stars Shining Darkly

Stars shining darkly in an inner sky, showing their despair in a corner where they are visible to those who look.
Reminders to us all of the sadness in this tired old world of misplaced dreams and hopes.
No more mention of a future being planned to fulfill the remainder of life.

Captive In A Senior Body

An inner child, being held a captive in a grown-up's senior body.
Not allowed to run free, unrestrained, or untethered in her last years of life.
Keeping her in a tightened personality of emotional content, afraid to let go.

Holding Hands With Images

Ringing sounding the afternoon tribute to all that is reality, it's traits of perspective and perpendicular personality.
Continuing down countless lanes, beginning yesterday and traveling forward into the future.
Holding hands with some images, wanting to be a part of their world from yesterday's memory.


Gardens of irresponsibility crop up in those around us who don't perform their jobs like they're supposed to.
Preferring instead, to goof off and not live up to their own expectations in life.

Missing The Sun

Daylight has disappeared into evening and streetlights have come on to light our way.
Missing the sun as it spread it's bright countenance over earth, touching my skin with a warmth and some vitamin D.
Loving the way it shined on parts of things that it could touch, leaving the rest in shadows, hiding away from everyone's eyes.

Unfamiliar Wilderness

Finding that I am lost in a wilderness unfamiliar to me.
Twisting and turning, searching for a way back to past reality where I felt at home - at least for a while.
Wanting to come back fully, yet knowing that some part of me is now missing and lost in a wilderness unfamiliar to me.
Writing from where I am now, hoping to exist in the present without being fearful of the unknown.

One Way Out

Walking into the darkness, a quiet silence hovering over, seeking out attention to details surrounding me.
Echoes of whispering stillness spread about, covering all parts and corners of insistent wariness.
Charging into the shadows, knowing there's only one way out and not realizing where in the ebony blackness the exit is at.

Timely Moments

Crossing my mind, searching perpendicular patterns and designs being placed juxtapositionally in arrangements of literal compositions.
Wanting to rearrange them, touching each particle with hands of my mind and placing them in perfect orders of timely moments, reserved for future ideals and placed always in my soul, forever etched in the interior of it's mind.

Recall Returning

Shaking notes, falling into rhythms, bringing melodic beauty to photographic pictures of thought.
Total recall slowly has returned and once again I can write from it's total essence in peaceful joy.
Beating rhythms, holding my mind in anticipation of poetry beginning to form within and being written at the nib of this pen on paper.

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