RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Tightly Woven Fabric Of Destiny

Succinctly and gently grasping hold of this being, always held and hugged in every rhythm, nothing can ever treat this mind like they do.

Wanting forever to be here right now, so this being will never be left abandoned or bereft, watching as each note is heard and seen as it suddenly bursts into colors of songs.

Canopies Of Enlightenment

Lights rewarding this poet as Cold Front plays, keeping the energy rising higher within every melody.

Canopies of enlightenment hovering overhead as music intensifies in the midst of all the excitement.

Rhythms Alighting Cautiously

Melodies being softened in this twilight evening, hoping to find rhythms as they alight cautiously in depths of this mind, their memories colliding inside of every thought.

Liking the slow movement as they hold and caress this heart, trying to revive its safe and vibrant beating, keeping time with music playing on stage, melding with dancers on the floor.

Walking Through Night Shadows

Definite steps walking through night shadows, never fearing because there's no fear when rhythms are holding on, keeping pace with every tone and note being played.

Watching as rhythms climb up and down measures of chords while they're being played, a wonderful send off, soaring swiftly into the atmosphere.

Adrenaline Rising

Younger mind comes to light every time musical rhythms begin to play, filling the room with playful notes that keep pace throughout the night, never missing a beat.

Adrenaline rising and flowing totally into this being, filling soul and spirit throughout the night, never losing its energy as all
notes and tempos keep on going.

Sashaying Quietly Through Music

Innate talent in mind and intellect sashaying quietly through music, writing without a sound, keeping pace with rhythmic beats and tempos.

Riding them always through songs and their lyrics, an absolutely fascinating way in which to enjoy this very temporary life.

Capturing This Mind In Floral Rhythms

Listening for answers to pressing questions of being, wanting to go out on a limb just to capture this mind in floral rhythms as they stand and wait their turns.

A powerful sound and feeling as this mind slides around every foundation of measures as they rock this world, looking for the energy that comes with music.

Captivating An Inner Atmosphere

Mounting feelings while living in depths of music, leveling out and captivates an inner atmosphere completely, forever holding on.

Moving to very different beats in each and every song, happily following them around, noting that vibrations come flowing straight into this mind and being.

Teaching Steps Of Enlightenment

Shining and vibrant, teaching steps of enlightenment in measures of rhythms, manners climbing like ivy into the heights of a totally beautiful landscape where nothing is dull or complicated.

All is easy and simple, touching interior spirits of life as smiles fit perfectly in moods of an interior flow of spiritual connotations, finding their energy as music continues to move this mere poet all the time.

Continually Refreshing Our Spirits

Slow moving, easy going, thinking back upon yesterday when everything was new and vibrant, continually refreshing our spirits time and again.

Sending messages of love to each others eyes and hearts, no one being the wiser, waltzing closely together, tasting the wonder of of a new love.

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