RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Team Ropers For The Benefit Rodeo

Rodeo has begun, first ropers out, got the steer down and now
it's one team after another - it's going fast!
Even some young children roping - really good!
So many team ropers, all having paid entry fees - there's so

Aging Childhood Memories

Waving gently like seaweed in the ocean, willow trees sway
slowly in an afternoon breeze.
Silently lifting spirits with their peaceful, serene manner.
Sunlight sliding on and off their expedient leaves.

Granddaughter's Puppy's Death

Granddaughter's radiant angel face marred for the
moment by an intense sadness as she said once more,
crying and wiping away her tears of love, Jazzie's
my puppy!

Invisible Silence

Sometimes rhythms stick in minds,
held onto by neurons,
enticed by lyrics,
tantalizing the brain stem into moods

Dreams Of Fruition

Silently singing in my mind, happiness climbing about,
enjoying it's freedom.

Alive and vibrant, taking the initiative to walk into

Lying In Cancer's Embrace

Devastatingly beautiful, peaceful soul and spirit,
lying in cancer's embrace, dying minute by minute
before our eyes.

Life's Ballet

Deep within, pain stirs itself again and again,
increasing wounds still left behind of childhood
and life.

Tomorrow's Obituary

Tantalizing aroma of nighttime showers, alive with the freshness
of spring.

Lasting hours of remembrance, brewing in labyrinths of deepest

Life Being Manipulated

Rushing, being manipulated by egos of others, and filled
with greed and envy.

Carefully trying to protect ourselves from all the evil

Perverting The Hippocratic Oath

A doctor's Hippocratic Oath is essentially to do no harm
to his/her patients.

Yet, these are doctors who don't care what they have to

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