RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Given Opportunities To Learn

Starting on our journey when born, being tended to
and cared for in our very beginnings.

Nurtured, fed, given every opportunity to learn with

Life Becomes Still

Darkness engulfing my being as the sun sets beyond
our horizon.

Life becomes still, serene and filled with pensive

Wrenching Heartache

Hearts dwelling in the darkness of sorrow, bereft of
one another because death has taken one away.

Tears of grief falling, mind devastated, life changed

Deserted Love

Moving forward through the night, empty and bereaved

Moon shining down upon an ocean filled with salted

Death Never Fathomed

Coasting down the highway of bereavement, nothing to
hold onto, images fading with each passing moment.

Black ebony sky upon me, no one else able to stand

Echoing Canyons

Climbing through canyons of sorrow, listening to your
echoing voice, the last words you will ever say to me.

'I love you, my dear. I will never stop even though we

Composing Your Life's Song

Playing the piano of life, composing your life's song
along with my heart, joining us together in life.

Never needing any other, playing etudes of our souls

Silent Repetition

Silent repetition falling upon creative minds as
they listen to rhythms of music flowing incessantly
into waterfalls that pour into pools below.

Free To Love

Not wanting to be separated from you, only wanting
to be held closely, feeling your arms around me.

Making love through the afternoon, kids in school,

Alone Rooted

Looking out into the darkness of night, seeing lights
shining upon a tree, bare, no leaves left upon it.

It's limbs reaching into the darkened sky, trying to

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