RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Showcasing Beats In A Song

Picking up on a beat falling in my pathway, treasuring it's appearance as I placed it in a composition of poetical beauty.
Showcasing it in a song for everyone to hear and find within their hearts later when alone.
Thinking of times gone past with winds of fate, blowing the years into dust of another future beyond us all.

Solo Poetical Journey

Resuming the pace of an early morning run, following my inner tendencies as I go in any direction freedom chooses to take me.
Always, looking forward, yet taking back roads just to be funny and throw others off track.
Not wanting anyone knowing which direction I choose or take to continue my solo journey of poetical musing.

Western Style

Western-style of entertainment being sung in a karaoke atmosphere by a variety of people and range of voices.
Everyone enjoying the music, some even dancing country-western style to it.
A reminiscent encounter from younger days when I used to go dancing when single.

Moving To The Future

Going home within my mind, following the routes shown me from childhood.
Knowing every turn as photographic images keep me on track, never losing my way no matter the time of day.
Sincerely hoping to stay among all the memories of yesterday.
Moving in directions of the future.

Generous Appreciation

Lonely echoes hitting the canyon walls of my soul, drifting into the writing that I love to express.
An empty feeling surrounding every tone and rhythm being celebrated with a generous appreciation from many others in the world.

An Empty Corridor

An empty loneliness has penetrated inside my heart strings and is plucking them unmercifully with a hurting tirade of syllables.
Rejecting the ecstasy of tomorrow's picturesque scenes, feeling abject loneliness filling my being with it's awful feelings.
Leaving me bereft and alone in an empty corridor far from home.

Freely Given Gifts

Swallowing and taking in every bit of talent being shown to us here tonight.
Voices singing out in echoing beauty of sunrises in tomorrow's musical abodes.
Trading nothing for the gifts given freely and being used to the utmost in an environment of promoting it all to the world.

A Friend Singing

Rolling restlessly down life's roads, wanting more than ever to be expressed in platitudes of friends.
Talking, spreading conversations in the wayward winds, wandering down pathways of yesterday.
Meeting once in the past, we became friends forever, joining in repasts through the years.
Exchanging thoughts and loving the time we spent together while rolling restlessly down life's roads.

Never Being Lost

Whispering thoughts, vibrating in my brain, wanting to be let out to soar into skies of bluened beauty.
Wandering in and out of moments held closely in days still ahead, so they would never be lost in stranded corners of life, decaying from a loss of love in senior years.

Shyly Withering

Sublimely thinking while looking around, finding reflections to write about as I hold a pen in my hand.
Carefully, allowing myself to attribute many thoughts to reasons in life as I unfold them in matters of the heart on cold lonely nights.
Withering shyly in depths of penetrating silence, I go inside myself.

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