RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
In The Midst Of Melodies

Liking sounds that penetrate this mind with syncopated melodies
and lively rhythms, so totally inviting and innocent, giving
life a purity of the soul.

Finding Consolation

Strolling along edges of life, enjoying looking over, finding
consolation when doing so, no fears left as I continue to live
through essential rhythms of being in moments of living.


Feeling alright, dancing into moments of this night, energy
flowing like white water rapids.

Noticing every note and beat transforming my being so effort-

Not Giving An Inch

Running down the track, not stopping for anything, just running
and taking democrats onto the Trump train to change America the
way it's supposed to be according to the Constitution.

Not Giving An Inch Ever

Running down the track, not stopping for anything, just running
and taking democrats onto the Trump train to change America the
way it's supposed to be according to the Constitution.

Reality Of Purpose In Life

Going around the room, decorated with musical rhythms being
thrilled and energetically happy with the way life is treat-
ing everyone here tonight.

Never Learning The Truth

Gladly watching as music takes everyone into a splendid atmosphere
of intellectual order, tearing apart the stupidity of some people
who are clueless and have no common sense.

Solidarity In The U.S.A.

Asking no questions, being told no lies, living according to the
Golden Rule, Constitution and Bill of Rights all through this
earthly life.

Racism Is Passe!

Recognizing rhythms as they rock their way into our lives here
tonight, being proud to be together without any intolerance,
hatred or prejudice, nothing to do with racism for it is passe!

Tasty Melodies

Lights still flashing, strobe lights finding their way through
fast-paced rhythms where nothing gets in the way of their en-
ticing and enlivening tempos.

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