RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Nature's Expressway

Walking through the desert of my soul, watching mountains,
climbing them and enjoying the dizzying heights they can
attain on their own without any help from mankind.

Blossoming Interiorly

Expectant hopes are lying on the floor in front of me,
looking up at my mind, wanting to be expressed along
with desires of hopeful joy.

Mortal Frailty

Pain racing through this being, taking away serene
attitudes and replacing them from an intense suffering,
misplaced inside.

Passivity Of Life

Figuratively thinking in many designs of pictures, placing
coded thoughts amidst each landscape in forms of rhythmic
tempos, playing chords and enjoying sounds emanating from
melodies within.

Sharing India

Incessant music, beating rhythms of India, touching my mind
with it's passion and essence.

A quality of life unknown in the U.S., a wonderful expression

Antidote To Savor

Life lights of reality shine brightly upon this mind,
always illuminating pathways to enlightenment.

Capsules of sorrow being swallowed every day, like

One Way Pieces

Strange and eerie shadows sending echo's vibrations into
eternity, waiting for answering replies.

Yet, in all sincerity, knowing that there can never be an

Expression Of Interior Life

Tempting and beautiful, many designs are forming their
dances with images falling into mind with unending

Eternal Ear

Searching and finding pathways to wisdom and it's infinite

Stretching, wide open, floating through the skies like a

Walking A Solitary Path

Walking a solitary path
on a solo journey.

To a perfection we must

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