RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Poetical Pilgrim Of Another Time

Pilgrims of another time, thoughts linked to the past, yet being in the present every day, sun rising and setting, eclipsing night-mares of yesterday.

A life-long musical passageway that's always open and reuniting rhythms in people's minds, nothing to bar the excite-
ment as it comes flowing freely and sweetly.

Breaking Through Barriers Of Life

Wonder carrying life into a natural environment, heart beating to the rhythms of an innate talent, breaking through barriers of life at times.

Pushing aside all remarks and comments of those who are jealous and taking chances to abuse and demean others, but fooling only themselves.

Leaving Behind Moods Of Loneliness And Sorrow

Picking guitar, racing down tracks to destinations, never caring where it's going, just enjoying the ride as the whistle blows its warnings.

A serene and joyous time on a train, leaving behind every mood of loneliness and sorrow, having a quiet reserve as the train keeps moving forward into the west.

Mysterious Circumstances

An afternoon of music giving an interior energy that doesn't abate, keeping life aware, alert and awakened, nothing more than that to this earthly life.

Touching and sensing mysterious circumstances that come together on a photographic screen interiorly, time always staying attentively in line.

Spiritual Intellectualization

Totally energizing this inner spirit with vibrant rhythms
all taking me intellectually into upper stratospheres of
the brain.

Creative Chemical Chain Of Reactions

Particular benefits stem from innate knowledge and wisdom,
helping to create an interior talent of major proportions
in every aspect of this life.


Wandering from one place to another, finding that I can
fit anywhere on earth that I want, able to adapt in any

Amusing Self

Crazy fun, thinking about imaginary happenings that I'm
creating to amuse and entertain myself, because musicians
here at Buddy Stubbs today are dull as can be.

Inspiring And Exciting

Feeling elated, feeling good while listening to Springsteen,
I could no longer listen to that dull musician, now rocking
to great rhythms that inspire and excite me no end.

Landscapes Of Music

Seeing mansions filling my mind with excellent imaginative
thoughts, inventing, creating, putting everything into many
poetical interludes which make me happy.

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