RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Amusing Self

Crazy fun, thinking about imaginary happenings that I'm
creating to amuse and entertain myself, because musicians
here at Buddy Stubbs today are dull as can be.

Inspiring And Exciting

Feeling elated, feeling good while listening to Springsteen,
I could no longer listen to that dull musician, now rocking
to great rhythms that inspire and excite me no end.

Landscapes Of Music

Seeing mansions filling my mind with excellent imaginative
thoughts, inventing, creating, putting everything into many
poetical interludes which make me happy.

Interior Spirits Energized

Nighttime has come upon our sleepy minds, reminding each of us to rest and be at ease no matter what must be done to fulfill our destiny on earth.

Quietly taking steps before eternity, walking away into many sunsets and sunrises that we must endeavor to accumulate and live through.

Preparing Our Soul For The Inevitable

Soundlessly stepping into a vast wilderness on edges of many mountains that reach for the sky and silence of the stars and milky way unconsciously.

Preparing our souls for the inevitable, that of one day dying to this temporary world and heading straight to heaven, bound by the Ten Commandments and faith.

Nothing Can Imitate A Gift From God

Searching an interior world, finding pictures of images that are important to everyone at one time or another.

Practicing being open and honest all throughout a lifetime as it stands aside and is waiting for that one moment.

A Perfect Assimilation Of Love And Compassion

Rushing through life looking for stimulation and a perfect assimilation of love and compassion.

Needing both in order to give life an extraordinary place
in which to overtake all the suffering, hardship and sacrifice in this world.

Applying Music Straight Into Mind And Intellect

Quietly feeling an easy rhythm coalescing within, giving an interior energy full-on beats tones and notes as they apply music straight into mind and intellect.

Having no pauses or waiting, mind happy and jubilant as rhythms continue to bring about images, details of land-
scapes and portraits to write into poetry.

Wrapping Our Minds Around Mysteries

Lightening fast and beautiful like the vast universe of ours that still needs to be explored and met in order to learn mysteries of what it's made of, investigating them all.

Wrapping our minds around them with curiosity, interest and a totally open mind, bringing mathematical calculations
to light.

Intuition Pilots Visions Of The Future

Rhythms of contemplation carry mind and intellect deeply into a spiritual interior life where morals, ethics and values
are tantamount through human beings.

Each individual's lifetime holds an intense energy coming from the soul, lifting spirits above and beyond this earthly world.

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