RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Secreted In Beauty Of Life

Wanting to be together for an eternity, cloudless skies
and all.

Being secreted in the beauty of life, effervescent hues,

Taking Back America

Taking time to gather firearms into our homes,
prepared for the worst and planning to do our
best to eliminate the people who have been
destroying America from the inside out.

Rhythms Of Contemplation

Living in a clearing of life, looking beyond it,
finding happiness surrounding me.

Taking everything in, silence folding over in

Rockets Of Ideas

Succinctly coming into mind, thoughts crawling and
leaping in and out.

Finding an effervescent, wonderful rhythm entering

Satisfying Intellect

Wandering through a desert atmosphere grasping hold
of it's intellectuality as I ride horseback.

Wonder and awe taking me off into edges of another

A Part Of Spirituality

Solitary and alone in depths of an interior
universe, feeling peace and solitude.

Wanting to always be a part of spirituality,

Watching Silently

Standards are nonexistent in music when rhythms play,
taking me away in their sounds, giving pleasure in
each measure.

Blending Music And Language

Rhythms taking me away, filling my mind with thoughts
illuminating and spreading them like cream cheese into
my mind.

Loving Storms

Black clouds coming in fast across the sky, warning
us ahead of time that it will be raining and storming

Learning To Understand

Walking with feelings of loneliness and abandonment,
experiencing and letting them have their way for a
little while.

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