RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Unheard Sentences

Lethargically moving in time with a slow-paced rhythm,
helping me to lay back and relax.

All doubts and insincerity left behind in a bog where

Conducive Environment

Influential environment here in Dr. S's. office,
knowing it's because of his persona, filling
the atmosphere with the genius of his being.

Feelings Of Fame

Feelings of fame are getting ever stronger, moving up
closer to my mind, unenticed by me.

Flowing through lines of poetry, imagined more often,

Finding Reality

Inspiration coming at me from every side through
senses of being and living.

Trailing through angel dust, lying on floors of

Adjusting Lifelines

Singing intelligently into the mike, taking us farther
into twilight, picking up rhythms and adjusting the
lifelines of our times here.

Tired Of The City

Riding into the sunrise on my favorite horse,
a stallion, black as ebony nights in the

Disco Ball

Staring at a disco ball in the reflection of a
restaurant window, slowly turning, looking so
lonely in the darkened night.

Feeling Alive Again

Out of necessity, going out tonight, just to get my
fix of music at karaoke.

Feeling right at home, everyone saying hi, having

Unsettled Until Music

Racing through the evening, watching rhythms of the
day quiet down and relax me.

Often I can't settle down and my body stresses out,

Taking Time To Disappear

Ready to slip into the night, time to disappear and
give in to the sandman.
Ducking into back alleys, finding my way back home,
taking time and not hurrying.

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