RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Scenes Of Dancing

Suddenly stepping up to music in a staccato-sounding beat,
lifting me from my seat.

Stepping around the dance floor but only in my mind, as I

Reflections Of Personhood

Expressions of faith stand out in reflections of personhood,
calm and tender people filled with compassion, constantly
tending to dire consequences in this world, trying to make
it a better place for all.


Soliloquies of life present themselves each day, at
different times, in different experiences, most any-
thing can bring them about.

Unpleasant Emotions

Stringent feelings holding me captive, giving unpleasant
emotions a door to enter my being.

Abolishing the good mood I was having, now it is destroyed,

Interior Wilderness

Being cut loose, going into an interior wilderness,
losing myself on purpose, just so I don't have to
be present to anyone or join in at all.

Mirroring Moments

Scrambling around, trying to do it all, having fun,
enjoying the freedom of this life.

Doing a variety of projects, forming ideas, bringing

Awaiting A Special Awakening

Stepping along horizons, traveling into other dimensions
beyond this one, finding explanations and discoveries, a
new and exciting exhilaration, always tantalizing particles
of intellect as it awaits a special awakening to come and

Changing An Awful Pattern

Adjusting self to living, wondering what it is that I am
doing wrong, always managing to have nothing and wanting
to know why this is.

God's Upper Hand

Justice being meted out by God, Himself, seeing evil
people hurting and maiming the innocents of our world.

Taking them out with strength of might and goodness,

Creating Logic

Rushing to and fro, taking steps towards yesterday through
images being relived in memories, never tired of being seen.

A wonderful amount of intellect shining and bringing about

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