RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Delicate Sonatas

Nature waving it's frond hands,
whispering through leaves,
touching branches.

Unseen Relics

Riding down thruways, searching for details
or relics of history.

Changing shores, falling mountains, rivers

A Lone Soul

Lights penetrating darkness of
a lone soul.

Pushing it about, waking it up,

Eating At Blimpie's

Sitting in Blimpie's, eating a favorite tuna
fish sub for lunch today.

It serves to satisfy my palate completely as

Quality Of Life Unsettled

Quality of life lies unsettled on edges of our horizons,
teetering with each new source of terror, yet balanced
and focused even though somewhat fearful at times.

Threads Of Existence

Listlessly attempting to prolong a semblance of happiness,
holding onto frayed threads of existence and being.

Sensing dread from pits of hell, buried beneath debri,

Driveways Of Emotion

Skills and practice form our expertise in life's
travails and distance us at times with undue reality.

Sating fulfilled desires, pending our equal opportunites

Mold Of Discrimination

Silence heard round the world at the stroke of a pen,
destined for an eternity to change this world, tearing
apart myths of misconception, people have walled around

Life Flow

Life flows by, adhering to no one or thing,
falling into canyons, abysses and black holes.

Sometimes alighting on clouds of thought,

Silence Within

Spinning around, moving air, unaware of what is happening
at each new second here on earth.

Like people rushing everywhere, unaware of what is being

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