RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
So Much In This World

Living in an existence that has no life to speak of,
having nothing, doing without, always wondering what
is to become of us and our children.

Heart Warming

Turning down avenues of thought, visualizing a better
world in the future one without poverty, sickness,
corruption, racism, intolerance or prejudice.

Caught In Writing

Satisfied with tempos of life, exercising intellect in
the process, having fun while doing it.

Seems like I'm caught up in the daily routine of writing

Personal Melodies

Taking time to listen to nature, enjoying every moment
alone within it's circumference.

Touching personal melodies hidden within which I compose

Looking On Positive Sides

Swatches of life being handed through memories on river
banks of yesterday's life.

Caught up in depths of a photographic memory, constantly

Dream Of Contemplative Proportions

Regulating rhythms filling my heart with a euphoric
sensation, lifting me spiritually into another level
of life.

Poetic Justice Coming About

Simple and uncompleted, finding solutions to even out
distorted illusions and lies of democrats and liberals
trying to make a one world order.

Taking Down Curtains

Silently standing by, taking it all in, watching every
detail that's encompassing our world with it's lies and

Sun Rising Slowly

Walking into the morning, a chill in the air, left over
from last night's icy cold rain.

Landscape washed clean, looking pure, smelling fresh and

Enjoying Gifts

Spotting wonder in nature, seeing it's beauty spreading
throughout our entire world, nothing to stop or hinder
it from growing everywhere.

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