RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Saving Time

Stepping into the center of life, finding it's
intensity intriguing intellect, collecting every
detail absorbed through an innate curiosity.

Many Moments Of Truth

Taking hands of life and time, memories being placed
in annals of tomorrow.

Easily moving through trails of incessant rhythms as

Eating At Pizza Buffet

Sitting here at Pizza Buffet, eating dinner and enjoying
my time writing poetry.

It being pretty empty here when all of a sudden, many

Arizona Western

Loving to meet new people from all over the
world, enjoying conversations that I have
with them.

Tomorrow's Future

Realizing that energy comes solely from an inner intelli-
gence through intellect, it's patterns and designs of
artistic gradient talent.

Offering The American Dream To It's Citizens

Awakening inner spirits, nature bouncing to beats of
American music, nothing like it anywhere else.

Pure and absolute, taking us through the pledge of

Totally United

Sitting in a midday heat, shaded yet still boiling
hot in Phoenix, Arizona.

Listening to a rock and roll band playing it's

Arizona Daring

Moving into the shade of musical interludes,
desert breezes sweeping across my forehead,
face and neck.

Absorbing Attention

Rapid, intriguing, absorbing attention in depths of
it's fantastic rhythms, calmly soothing this being
from the inside out.

Poetical Energetics

Singly traveling a path no one has even been on,
loving it's peace and quiet, no one to interfere
or bother me.

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