RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Pleading With Curiosity

Teaching my eyes through intellect to see details and
minute specks of life that all have meaning in some
form or another.

Mother Nature's Delight

Winter has snuck up with a cold blast into the atmosphere,
collecting rain to throw down upon earth in buckets for
days on end.

Make My Heart Listen

Hearts of stone, strengthened by heartbreak
and pain of lost love, not wanting to be hurt

Unable To Be Mended

Head bowed, hung in the cycle of death, not able to lift
itself and see the sparkle of life all around me.

Drifting slowly in sounds of eerie mystery and mystical

History Repeating Itself

Little girls talking, laughing, teasing their older
brother who seems to be taking it good naturedly so
far anyway.

Red Hot Rainbows

Penetrating an atmosphere of silent stillness, my being
going interiorly, finding the peace that I desperately
need right now.

Bed Clothes Of Imagination

Watching as night falls outside a window, lights going on
to illuminate the darkness.

Thoughts rubbing daylight from their minds, changing into

Turning Poverty Away

Destined for fame in literature, based on what others
say, not myself at all, only writing for one purpose,
well two, I guess.

Popping Chords

Slip sliding away, loving to be tantalized by rhythms
as they have fun playing with my mind.

chords popping, notes flying, tempos soaring into my

Originals Of Intellect

Creativeness filling me full of new ideas and thoughts,
not ever being tied down before, all of them originals
straight from my own intellect.

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