RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Mirrors Of Rainbows

Translating words into musical etudes filled with
major and minor chords of existence.
Entrenched in a world of silence, hearing only
melodies and rhythms of life being played out.

Lands Of Dreams

Twilight hangs over an evening sun, waiting for it's
entrance into lands of dreams from above.
Watching for cues as the moon slowly rises from it's
covered bed, enjoying it's particular purpose in the

Angelic Feelings

Soothing melodies fill my mind with their angelic
feelings, pushing me into rings of desire.
Yearning for days of future happiness as life
progresses freely with me in tow.

Beseeching Sanity

Inherent guidelines beseech sanity, taking with them
limits and standards truly inane.
Crooked wiles filter out of normal circumstances,
causing havoc with the scheme of things.

Dimensions Beyond Our Own

Jointly reticent, listening to messages being sent
from beyond, sensitive to their signals and caring.
Preparing to write of them in volumes of poetry to
the ends of time.

A Desert Vision

Lost in thought, closely scanning surfaces of mountains
close to the highway.
Enjoying beautiful, white, foggy, wispy clouds, coming
down upon mountains, lying in their laps like cuddly

Hurtful Remarks

Painful memories jab
and poke my heart as
I recall their hurting
remarks of deathly horror.

Spiritual Recognition

Yuletide cheer spreading itself through Christmas,
acknowledging the birth of Jesus so many years ago.
Spiritually recognizing the immensity of His day,
filled with the wonder and awe of every little child

Feeling The Process

Styling in ideas of creative essays,
copulating imagination with subconsciousness.
And feeling intensely, the process as it
exerts itself into poetry of every form.

Mathematical Life

Figuring mathematically what life holds for me,
squaring all roots, placing them carefully in
my heart and soul.
Adding together, the many blessings I've received

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