RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Final Note

Sending messages behind backs of wisdom, learned by a sense of knowing that only I seem to have right now.
Considering the far-reaching consequences awaiting me in future endeavors, allowing preparation of a soul to be made ready at a moment's notice, expecting expiration on a final note set in rhythms of death.

Grief Standing Between Us

Clasping hearts, held in sorrow of life's passing, creating changes in each, no longer being the same people.
Grief standing between us, not allowing a closeness to be perceived as yet.
In time, maybe, but how long it will take is anyone's guess.
Purposeful loneliness standing stead until we once again can communicate on a level of trust.

Past Coverlets

Wandering through an energy-filled haze, trying to catch up with something not yet visible.
Searching for answers, hearing no replies forthcoming as I dwindle slowly inside.
Covering up self with coverlets of past suicide, leaving earth to it's own demise as I am lifted heavenward towards my future.

Circumference Of Holiness

Violinly soothing my mind, bringing me to an opening in the gates of heaven.
Stepping timidly into it's gardens I feel a sudden release of all earthly pressures being taken from me.
A blessed serenity filling my heart, mind and soul with wonderful senses, pulling me into a circumference of holiness.

Looking Through Books

Looking through many books written through the years,
finding pages of an entire lifetime spreading themselves,
out for all to see.
Yet, no one can tell where I've been or where I am now going.

Joyful Privacy

As I close my eyes and watch the world within spin and
play to tunes of my soul's desire, a peace descends
upon me and life outside my body stops for a while.

Rays Of Innocence

Lights of goodness, focusing on peaceful countenances, deriving beauty from places of innocence throughout
natural sites of impossible joyous reunions.

Surfing simple respect and dignity, holding gently

Silencing Even Memories

Touching places interiorly, causing memories to be
written on endless synapses and neurons - co-existing
with images musically.
Remembering past times with heart-felt eyes and senses.


Graceland Of Solace

Solace sits upon my mind, staking it's presence
in my life.
Wandering lanes of nature throughout days of
strife, fastening onto nature's fortitude and

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