RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Limitless Space Of Poetical Thinking

Rushing through this mind, enjoying thoughts, ideas, concepts
being filtered through imagination and reality, a delicate
balance through a poetically creative process interiorly.

Preferring To Be Myself

Resisting actions being taken by others to get what they want
from you, preferring to be myself and doing things my way.

Quietly, silently, poetically every moment of life, transparent,

Life Is Not Always Fair

People are not always positive, true or honest because they
are human and prone to failure, saying they'll be there for
you, but forgetting about you.

Becoming Our Own Leader

Standing on corners of life copying the mail, watching people
as they go their way, doing what needs to be done, striving
to do their best, going to work, school, running errands and
never really thinking about any of it.

Unproductive Lives

Looking around, noticing many details that others miss in
their daily lives, wasting time chasing after dreams and
letting them get away, because of other people keeping them
in stagnant pools of unproductive lives.

Relieved Of Drudgery

Reaching for the American Dream, doing it my way, not wanting
to follow others down paths of slavery and dependence.

Coming into my own, relieved of the drudgery and unproductive-

Using Time

Time coming, peeking around every corner in years of life,
cutting into spaces of creativeness and joy with sadness
that cannot seem to wait for the passing of happiness.

Arms Of Nature

Rocking peacefully in the arms of nature, watching it's land-
scapes becoming moving portraits through a mind in poetry,
seeing leaves being blown about.

Better Way Of Life

Science is a wonderful pastime, enjoying it's logic and
reasoning while creating, inventing and developing many
ideas and concepts, from them creating new technology.

Levels Of Equations

Easily drifting into inner dimensions through spirituality
and contemplation, soaring into a bluened light of encour-
agement, silence, serenity and beauty.

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