RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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A Voice Of Intellect

Rhythmically sounding out in a strong voice of intellect, rising to the tidal waves of emotion.
Clapping quickly as I go through the aisles of tomorrow with an aptitude of calm reserve.
Keeping track of every beat, singing with an energy of exuberant peace filling every nook in the universe.

Forming Mind Circles

Reaching out, forming circles in my mind, going around without falling out of an interior circumference.
Not levering any type or thought to coincide with the edges of night as they close upon sight.
Wondering where they hide when in a triangular state of mind.

Melted In Love

Silently thinking of yesterday, wishing I could go back in time to relive those beautiful memories of our love when it first began.
A clear morning, sun shining brightly as a gentle rain fell from an Arizona sky.
A sight to behold, one that will never be forgotten as our hearts melted in love.
We became in life through our future marriage of many years together.

An Infatuated Mirage

Bewitching moments don't happen very often and are seldom recognized for what they truly are.
A stop-over in life where love actually alights in your mind without going straight to your heart.
Fooling you into thinking it was true love forever, when actually it was an infatuated mirage that faded from sight soon after the thought came and fled into the night.

A Moment Together

When I have finally left this earth, your heart will reach for me and I'll no longer be there for you.
Only in memories will I be seen, through crystal clear tears of love you will still have for me.
Joining together in the future, following rivers of our time together through the years.
Trying to hold and treasure one another, but only in this poem will we have a moment together in your heart as you remember me.

Ready Thoughts

Thoughts ready at a moment's notice,
never hiding, always ready to be
expressed as they fall steadily from a
fast falling waterfall always in my mind.

Sicilian Heart

Recklessly streaking down coveted lanes in life's strident depths, wanting to travel alone and independently of anyone or anything.
Calmly accepting the acquiescence of trials in this time, as aging periods of all beauty is situating itself in my way.
Avoiding the obstacles, tackling them when unable to, with a gentle stubborness held within my Sicilian heart.

Blossoming Gardens

Silent Pictures

Early evening breezes blowing leaves rapidly, having
them brush the atmosphere with their gentle and frail


Mind solidly sitting in daydreams of this evening,
watching wind blow everything around, sky blue,
sun shining lower in the eastern atmosphere.

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