RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Mysterious Magic

Following intense rhythms into the flow of music,
it's beating drawing me further into thoughts,
mesmerizing and intriguing me.

Learning Ways Of The Saints

Solemn mood coming upon me, touching senses, making them
come alive, being felt throughout my entire being, con-
templating everything in life.

Reality Of What's True

Lengthy explanations are not needed, just giving a precise
and concise one giving all details in as little time as
possible is fine.

Enjoying Every Moment Of Life

Wondering interiorly what others keep saying about my
writing and self, everyone saying I'm a miracle of life
and have a special and wonderful gift.

Making Decisions

Sitting alone, writing, making decisions based on truths
of reality I've investigated fully, covering every aspect
and side of each thought.

Reactions To Poetry

Ready, willing and able to write poetry constantly and
incessantly, listening to music flowing with rhythms
to my heart's content.

Outskirts Of Life

Being surrounded by people, living in a cocoon anyway,
not letting them get to me as I stay on the outskirts
of their lives on purpose.

Secret Mysteries

Focusing and taking time to write about everything, living
in the vividness of color and music as it continues to ex-
plode all around me.

Destiny Playing

Upbeat, taking life and giving it rhythms to dance by,
totally finding the beauty and fun for entertainment
and pleasure.

When Music Stops Playing

Reading, writing, playing, finding ways to entertain my-
self, loving to have fun, laughing and taking time to
fall into new adventures.

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