RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Searching Through Loneliness

Searching everywhere for an answer to the loneliness felt deeply inside for years.
There seems to be no reason for it, no logical answers to be found on earth.
Yet, it continues to abound with an emptiness felt, where there is a hole in my heart, and no way to fill it.
No one to help me find a way in this life of saddened sorrow.

Fading Shores

Roping sorrowful thoughts into poems of depth, as I think of all the times love has left me alone and bereft through the years.
Now with many years of married love, I am going to be crying my heart out again.
Only this time it will be because you have gone beyond the fading shores of life, leaving me behind.
Trusting in promises of doubtful hope, I'll continue life alone.

Energetic Elation

Watching rhythms come into being as they are sung in voices on karaoke nights.
Lively rhythms, giving us a chance to clap and stomp our feet in unison.
Enjoying the music with energetic elation, never regretting any moment we get together and have fun in rhythmical pleasure.
Laughing, everyone knowing who we are, as we rock in the hallways every time.

Spoken Thoughts

Reciting thoughts that often
are spoken in circles of friends,
yet don't amount to anything in
the circuits of conversations.

Flaunting Teardrops

Flaunting teardrops as they fall into pools of acquiescence, taking hearts with them.
Drowning in sadness as it continues to grow around their minds like ivy clinging to old college walls.

Balloons Of Reflection

Shiny balloons of reflection left over from a birthday party now over.
Everyone has gone home.
Laughter of little children no longer echoing throughout the room tonight.
Happy sounds of birthday wishes being sung have all died down and now there's only an empty room no longer holding onto shiny

Past Of A Child's Future

Remembering the past of my future as a child, always thinking of other people, wondering curiously what they were doing when I could no longer see them.
Never finding an answer when so young, yet when I grew up I found out just by what I found myself doing on any given day.

Creative Music

Touching my soul with glee, soothing my mind with vitality as I am mesmerized continuously throughout.
Silence enthralls me with it's exacting rhythms, unseen by anyone else.
Yet, I play imagination's creative music in time with my innate desire.

Mind Realizations

Realizations hit and strike against my mind, attracting thoughtful abstractions to describe what I am seeing interiorly.
Notes follow moments down paths of ingenuity, alongside of subconscious relativity.

Future Designs

Updating scores of yesterday's, tallying moments of natural science throughout life's experimental trial labs.
Soothing conversations with interior peace, as lights beckon down straits of creative imagination on paths of faith and hope.
Betraying untold stories of yesterday as I move forward into future designs set for me from birth.

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