RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Thoughts Of Birds Perhaps

Lifting off into the blue sky above, watching as clouds
flow by, nothing alighting in any of them.

Peering out of trees and in between leaves, little beaks,

Breaking Habit Of Living

Throughout life, living every experience fully, going from
one to another, emotions always filling us, depending on
the journeys we exist in.

Always Feeling Love

Light, airy, flying and soaring into the deepest blue up
above, giving traits of love and romance.

Trailing always in the darkness, touching me with many

Addicted To Meanings

Always doing crosswords
Can't get enough of them.

Being addicted to meanings

Living To Exist

Shrinking from the light, standing in corners of darkness,
quietly watching what's going on, being captured in re-
flections of a black and gray mist.

An Angel's Whisper

Music playing my mind like an instrument, touching my
soul like an angel's whisper, taking me into realms
of heaven where choirs of angels are singing.

Love Teasing

Sashaying down paths of life, touching upon our love,
wanting to be with you forever, finding melodies that
bring us closer together.

Discovering Essence

Walking along, smelling roses as I go, beautiful, with very
tantalizing aromas reaching my mind, capturing intellect,
writing it into a poem filled with imagery and senses.

Constant Reminders

Beats pounding in my mind, giving a lasting energy that
continues through music and rhythms, wanting expressions
of love to be seen through it's melodies.

Never Forgetting

Depths of passion, falling into seaweed of the ocean,
telling stories of storms that have been lived through.

Waves rising and crashing upon the surface, giving

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