RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Ignorant Ideologies

Simple once upon a time maybe, but no longer because of the
ideologies of ignorant and barbaric people rushing into our
nation illegally.

Moments Of Silent Thought

Silently pondering ideas that flow effortlessly from an
interior waterfall, lovely, tantalizing, provocative and

Thinking Of Ways

Roaming through imagination, finding many translucent forms
of possibilities to develop and try out in reality, focusing
primarily upon medical technology.

Finding Ingenious Data

Writing, thinking, playing with facts, figures, formulas and
coded rhythms, enjoying doing so, finding ingenious data that
entices and captures imagination.

Thinking Beyond Boundaries

Switching back and forth through rhythms, exercising brain,
synapses and neurons in new and exciting ways, capturing
thought in measures of music.

Quality Time With Grandchildren

Waiting, writing, anticipating the moments we can have lunch
with our Grandkids here at their school today, having brought
sack lunches for them and us to eat.

Using All Senses

Shifting back and forth through imagination and reality,
blending them when writing poetry with music, drawing
portraits and landscapes with words, definitions and
virtual meanings.

A Glorious Sensation

Slowly, motionless, then catching up and surpassing rhythms
and sounds of coded music flowing throughout this mind and
matter of being.

Submersed In A Creative Process

Safe and sound, falling into depths of an interior waterfall,
like skydiving from an airplane, exhilarating and feeling a-
live as thoughts continually enter and submerse this mind and
intellect in a creative process.

How Quickly Life Is Passing

Watching, listening to very young children as I sit here in
the office writing, waiting for lunch time and having lunch
with our Grandkids.

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