RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Mature Love

Living into senior years with a sadness always at the edges
of it, thinking back, wondering how you ever made it in one
piece to where you are right here in this place.

Created Havoc

Water pouring across the desert from a storm of tremendous
force, bedeviling cacti and brush alike, not able to absorb
the great amount of rain water flooding over everything.

Gentlemanly Friend

Strolling casually down desert pathways, a gentleman,
debonair and reserved, walking with both hands behind
his back, pondering life itself.

Writing From Winterland

Silently watching as storm clouds gather outside the window,
shaking their heads in the morning breeze.

Wondering when it will be time to let go of the rain they

Symbols Of Freedom

Falling into step with rhythms, penetrating our minds
with symbols of freedom and independence.

Loving all feelings flowing through our beings, light

Puppies Crying

Puppies crying, whimpering out of loneliness,
only wanting to play and be free outside the
confines of a wire fence.

Free - Falling Thoughts

Wandering through this vast inner universe, brilliantly
lit and illuminated every step of the way.

Stillness keeping me abreast of faith and hope, stemming

Nothing But A Void

Walking along, head down, not looking about, struck down
by grief, not able to notice anything right now.

Life having died, yet is still living within, not knowing

Bringing Beauty

Life continues to go down paths of destiny and fate,
taking us along with it, never giving us a chance to
catch a breath.


Walking carefully upon a wall of block, being watchful with every step of the way.
Scanning the horizon as he proceeds down it's length, watching for places that would trip him in his ascent into history.

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