RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Accepting Love? ?

Wanting to know more about love and how it appears in
our lives, is it reality or a fantasy of imagination?

When feeling what we think of as love, what is it that

Realms Of Individuality

Solitary thoughts sprout within an interior garden that
is continually blossoming from ideas and concepts.

Following intellect into realms of individuality, where

Life Is A Deathtrap

Life is a deathtrap in all respects, we run through life
experiencing, discovering, finding that all of it is for
naught, because we will not live to benefit from it, ex-
cept temporarily.

Inner Algorithms

Constant thinking, keeping intellect awake, always in
the zone, figuring out rhythms, coding each into depths
of inner algorithms, not yet thought of by others in life.

Driven In Life

Living with the madness of life as a human being, we
are driven to do things to occupy our minds, bodies,

Being A Particle Of Life

Flowing down river, nowhere to hide, sun shining brightly
upon us, not being shielded by anything.

Filling our minds with what we are seeing on the way,

Photographic Memory In Genes

Being energized while sitting here in my Granddaughter's
grade school, she's now in third grade and soaring way
above others in her class, being very smart, having
innate knowledge.

Missions Of Education

Missions of education on earth, passing on literature,
history, math, science and reading to our youth,

Surprising what each of them individually can do with

Entire Pictures Of Thought

Wondering, living in a sphere of curiosity, thinking
outside every box of humanity, finding so many pictures
of thought being filled with ideas, aplenty.

Recalling Images Told

Walking silently, hand in hand through gardens of
remembering, having never been together, just re-
calling images that we have told each other.

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