RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Mysterious Imagination

Telling a story of this life in poetry, delivering it's
essence with all the mystery surrounding it.

Breaking open like an egg being cracked and separated,

Pulling Sensations

Rows and rows of blue roses growing silently in this mind,
scenting every thought with rhythms of heavenly sorrow.

Never losing sight of tidal motions of an expansive ocean,

Shadows Of An Abyss

Carrying weight of abuse throughout the years weighs
upon a person, taking them into shadows of an abyss
deeply hidden in caverns of a mind.

Serving All Purposes

Commanding sequences of desire in columns of intellect as
they fall into alignment.

Soothing and motionless, endeavoring to take thoughts into

Hiddenly Stalked

Walking down trails of imagination, heading into forests
of youth.

Finding pine cones, touching beautiful green moss and

Interior Canyons

Incessant rhythms following and take me into interior
canyons, listening to echoes of the wild animals that
are living within them.

Gathering Beginnings In Silence

Sounding echoes sending tones into selective patterns,
taking time into many measures.

Chords tuning themselves, lying about in melodies and

Flavors Of Love

Never hesitating, just stepping right into rhythms
as they grab this mind and cause writing to begin.

Living closely in the farthest reaches of my mind,

Muffled Expressions

10: 28 p.m.
Prancing around deep within imagination, looking over
imminent reflections shining brightly through all of
the sequences on life's stairways.

Joyful Thanks

Blue horizons, bluer than ever seen before, filling the
skies above.

Not a cloud anywhere in sight, sun shining through a

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