RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Loneliness Creates Space

Slowly soothing melody, traipsing along highways of
imagination, taking a journey into melancholy avenues
of adversity.

Reflections Of Self

Precious coverlets folded neatly, placed aside on bedsheets
draped with memories.

Sequestered in cells of uncomfortable selection, siphoning

Beyond The Sea

Ringing melodies following interior guidelines
through rhythm.

Standing in horizons, looking out to sea, wishing

Illogically Situated

Listening to the sounds of unperturbed inconvenience
centered around undisturbed placement.

Sanctioning pleas of untoward events, incapable of

Inner Fiber Of The Soul

Inside is a numbness, vast, expanding through body and mind,
there are no special reasons to be found.

Precious Memories

Mind racing, reaching for the skies, desire burning
intensely, wishing to be quenched.

Fingers Of Chance

Life stretches itself, sprawls before me, tired of daily
routines and pressures from without.

Temporarily waylaid to regain some composure, watching the

Pools Of History

Listening intently to the beauty of music, looking
insightfully inside this mind, sensing intellect
and reasoning.

Inner Music, Gentle Grace

Contemporary peace fills spaces of each memory left alone
to contemplate it's purpose, waving frantically towards
clouds, allowing soaring of the mind to grasp loving glances accompanied by words.

Moving Into Circles

Opaque screens awaiting someone to turn on a switch,
lighting them so x-rays can be seen and diagnosed,
by the Doc, full of knowledge and learning to think
outside the box, thanks to a patient of his.

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