RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Lament Of Love

Meeting, talking, playing games of love without ever
touching one another, telling secrets of your heart
and soul, somehow getting me to tell you mine.

Another Route

Writing, forging into intellect, rhythms soaring in my
mind, leaving the world behind, looking to destiny for
another route out of the ordinary.

Chasing Ideas

Totally free and spiritual, writing to my heart's
content, loving rhythm's beats falling into intell-

Interior Motion

Echoes of life are smiling as they dance to rhythms
of an interior motion, giving of self in excitement
and beauty of intellect.

Pacing Poetry

Thinking filling me exquisitely, with positive attitudes
and enjoyable moods, taking me totally into another dim-

Unanticipated Tears

Listlessly turning from beacons of hope,
depressed for short moments in life,
so I may write about them without falling
prey to their unanticipated tears along

Scented Visions

Rocking needlessly into beds of garden beauty,
taking in it's rainbow colors with scented
visions of tomorrow.

Shy Thoughts

Dancing into realms of talented musicians as they reverberate
internally, shaking loose, thoughts too shy to come out into
the open on their own.
Finding locations in puzzling rhymes, edging out mistakes made

Integrating Happiness

Integrating happiness into years of sadness is necessary
to balance life so it won't end in an untimely manner.
Sitting on the circumference, looking over, waiting for
just the right nanosecond to take a solution in hand

Subconscious Orb

Dedicated minds reserved for talented people,
innately attuned to wisdom's side streets,
beguiling grey matter with novel dimensions.

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