RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Living In Disappearance

Searching every moment in corners of hidden spheres,
taking chances and delving into caverns and canyons
of an unlived life so far.

Corridors Of Silent Powers

Dreams coming from nowhere it seems, mind totally
relaxing in corridors of silent powers that are
hidden away in closets that cannot be opened.

Goodness Of People

Riding into the sunset, leaving behind a daily
grind of living, not wanting to split apart the
goodness of what most people are contributing to
this world.

Moments Of Tomorrow's Future

Blue lights filtering down upon musicians of the
"Cold Front" band, allowing songs to lead every-
one into moments of tomorrow's future.

Nights Of Heartache

Many nights of heartaches left in bottoms of
bottles of beer and shots of whiskey.

Thinking that drinking no longer does the trick

Nothing Going Ahead

Remembering the way life used to be, happy go lucky
and no worries past evenings ending.

Moving down sidewalks in the early evening, nothing

Bringing Life Forward

Beating melodies into the night, leading us across
boundaries and limitations set by controlling people
not wanting anyone to get ahead of them in life.

Hearts Of Gold

Sincere and honest, allowing for the best in life
to be known in depths of tomorrow as we keep on
searching for hearts of gold.

Windswept And Blown

Reaching into rhythms that have penetrated this being,
having fun moving to music as it soothes our souls,
going into depths that rarely are seen except in dreams.

Tangled Thinking

Life taking turns, heading into a darkness right now
caused by breast cancer, having excruciating pain for
some reason, other women don't always have it.

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