RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Photographs Of Intense Wonder

Looking at pictures of a waterfall, its beauty
captured in a photograph, enlarged and placed
on a wall of nature's variety on earth.

Unique Experiences

Unique experiences come into this poet's life constantly,
meeting people whom God wants to give messages to in the
poetry that's being written every day.

Silent Portrait Of Living

Interiorly feeling at peace, enjoying its freedom
immensely, loving how great it feels while writing
poetry incessantly.

Violins Playing Across Memories

Strings of violins in rhythms settled deeply within,
playing across memories that are stirred up religious-
ly just to blend and find new thoughts to write about.

Contemplating Gifts Given

Reason and logic standing aside, letting imagination and
fantasy combine and blend into many avenues of experience
and circumstances.

Finding Right Rhythms For Each Poem Written

Steady beats of life attuned with heartbeats of this mere
poet, calculating each line mathematically in order to
find just the right rhythm to put into each poem.

Exhilarating All Senses

Realizations of living a solitary life affecting this being,
others pointing out that in fact this poet has no ego to
speak of.

Yearning To Move Beyond The Atmosphere

Gazing skyward in the afternoon, not seeing any stars,
yet the moon is shyly sitting above, not interfering
with the sun as it goes about its daily business.

Putting A Silent Life In A Poem

Sorting through memories, reliving them, their feelings and
emotions along with every one of them, loving the way these
poetical senses continually respond incessantly.

Allowing Energy To Be Sown Anew

Settling back, getting comfortable, renewing mind and
intellect, allowing energy to be sown anew, feelings
of joy and happiness feeding them so soundly and fully.

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