RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Teaching Children To Be Heroically Brave In Life

Moonlit shadows penetrating the darkness, living to see another sunny day, awakening our dreams upon rising every morning to a brand new day.

Many lessons yet to learn and teach to our children, grand-
children, nieces and nephews, teaching them to be heroically brave in their lives.

Seeing Visions Of The Future

Capturing highlights of a life fulfilled in an interior life of spirituality, looking forward to the rest of this sunsetical horizon, knowing there will be many more secrets divulged.

Exciting surprises also waiting to be recognized and experienced, seeing visions of the future in images and poetry.

Writing In Az T.V. Lobby

Looking out the windows while sitting here in AZ T.V. lobby, sky blue beneath white clouds of beauty drifting past visions of our desert, grand and majestic mountains rising about it.

So regal and totally amazing, cacti growing all over, guarding our Arizona desert, protecting wildlife and preserving our landscapes of divine creativity.

Silent Reverie

Feeling no pain, mind captivated by musical rhythms of Bruce Springsteen in a delightful melody that is insistent and has a way of capturing intellect.

Opening up floodgates of thoughts, allowing them to be written in lines of poetry for anyone to read.

A Poetical Journey

An enticing melody having captured the mind-set of intellect, taking slowly over spirit and heart.

Allowing them to also participate in this beautiful and inspira-
tional flow of poetical music.

God's Hands Holding My Soul

Life is alive and well, never able to forget the beginning and ending while living in it's middle, tackling problems and hard-ships head on, believing in God.

Having an interior life that helps when getting hit hard by reality, writing and listening to all types of music as rhythms are taking mind and intellect into other dimensions.

One Day In God's Own Time

Trusting, living in an interior spiritual life, feeling peace and serenity through everything, while writing to musical rhythms.

All moments of living residing in the tranquility of God's presence, knowing that He's always present in life.

Innate Visions

Tranquil landscapes of an imaginational reality stretch out before mind and intellect, holding onto the priceless joy of this temporary life here on earth.

Walking on paths being created in intellect's innate visions,
keeping soul and spirit towards God throughout life, trusting in God always.

Taking Responsibility Is Another Story

Reasons are all types, depending on individuals and what excuses they want to make for why they don't want to do something.

Finding reasons for doing important things on lists or agendas people have, some logical and true, others not even valid, taking responsibility for them in another story altogether.

Figuratively Speaking

Figuratively speaking, regarding humanity, watching and taking into account that each person is an individual with opinions and ideas about life.

Thoughts on doing things with their minds and intellects throughout the years, differing from one person to another, basically none of them bad.

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