RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Wonderful Fulfilling Life

Loving looking out at mountains in the distance, memories of climbing, repelling, enjoying the exquisite joy of being so high in the atmosphere.

Almost the same to a point, when sky diving, falling freely, much higher in the atmosphere, looking down at the ground as it careened towards it, parachute opening, slowing it down.

Another Musical Morning

Rushing into the rhythms of another musical morning, feeling energized and joyful while music's playing so rhythmically and upbeat.

Bringing spirits into another dimension where it's blessed and made whole in an interior spiritual life, giving mind, being and heart a mystical contemplation.

Riding On A Horse Of White Satin

Riding piggyback across the world on a horse of white sating, beautiful and wonderful, giving life a spiritual outlook while riding in the saddle across mountainous terrain and deserts.

Always filled with cacti among other prickly trees and bushes, fascinating aspects appearing while riding and seeing details everywhere across the country.

Another Musical Morning Blossoming

Rushing into the rhythms of another musical morning, feeling energized and joyful while music's playing so rhythmically and upbeat, bringing spirits into another dimension where it is blessed and made whole in an interior spiritual life.

Giving mind, being and heart a mystical contemplation that is serene and amazing, always holding onto hope and faith throughout life, a sincere and blessed way to live this temporary life on earth.

Attempts At Reconciling

Racing through memories that appear like magic, taking mind and heart into the past receiving feelings and emotions that went with all those experiences so long ago.

Making the best of things, trying to reconcile them, but nothing ever can be done when death has its way with those we love.

Life - Giving Atmosphere

Early morning sunshine is warm, but later will be beating down, scorching the desert. giving it a life-giving atmosphere and environment.

Living in its beauty, watching it through the years, never for-getting what past droughts have done to it at times, having flash floods in times of rain.

A Life In Every Respect

Thinking, pondering life and all of its aspects, some good, some bad, but a life in every respect.

Doing what we can do with what we have, using our minds in order to do more than ever.

Thoughts Solving Equations

Arousing thoughts calmly, entering mind and intellect, solving equations mathematically being formulated for the day.

Thoughts Solving Equations In Time

Arousing thoughts calmly, entering mind and intellect, solving equations mathematically being formulated for the day.

Experiencing and testing them all one by one, exhausting every avenue, getting exacting equations that work in several different ways.

A Life Lived And Appreciated

Scaling mountains in minds of ingenuity that achieve great things throughout this life, walking in and out of every experience as life continues to be lived and appreciated.

Taking mysteries of centuries, rejuvenating and refreshing their honest, perfect solutions, using them in other ways, taking and reinventing them in many avenues of life.

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