RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Patterns of living sometimes suffocate us
with their lies and dishonesty.
Perpetrating false ideals without qualms,
spreading rumors, ruining people's lives

Western Sunsets

Reminiscing along trails of yesterday,
remembering Roy Rogers and Dale Evans
until the end of time.

Pages Of Maturity

Life adjusting circumstances alter our inner perspectives,
creating newer, better, mature personalities.
Foraging in twilight evenings, accumulating many pieces of
acquiescence, providing clues to an interior existence,

Developing Tears

Sadness tiptoes around and through my mind,
sensitively touching every image it sees,
causing tears to develop and leak out.

Lonely Chances

Lonesome people gathering in rooms of purpose,
meeting other's eyes, shyly introducing them-
selves to one another.

Astute Wisdom

Taking time to ease into a placating mode of leisure,
finding a scenic vision as it develops, creating
words to describe it's beauty in a poem.

Mind Delicacies

Puzzling minds create solutions out of abstracts,
pairing them with every day notions.
Cognitively seeing identities in opposite or
unrelated items on earth.

Panoramic Views

Strangers all together, timidly searching for
companionship in places where groups of people gather.
Music playing invitingly, accepting everyone alike
into their company of rhythm.

Articulate Spaces

Movement generates a silken desire to give impressions free rein
to do whatever they will, stretching borders interiorly into
vast articulate spaces of ingenuity and loving circles of life.

Demanding Answers

Turmoil of life exists only because we are human and
it seems we're not happy unless we are creating it
for ourselves to tend to.

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