RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Different Level

Ascertaining different aspects in models of thought, always
listening and interpreting what is being presented.

Coming up with ideas related to them on a different level

Lasting Chance Of Love

Intriguing melodies soothing interiorly, filling intellect
with a contemplation of peaceful serenity.

Solace lying like a blanket upon this mind, allowing me to

Limitless Horizons

Light being dimmed as the sun starts to set on the horizon,
letting go of it's brilliance as night precedes avenues of

Come Into Beginning

Mind crawling up walls as shadows engulf it with
the power of night.

Calmly reaching for roof tops, seeing them just

Matters Of Opinion

Listening to all the debates going around, everyone placing
blame on white people who have just been struggling and
working to exist here on earth, the same as everyone else.

Only Wanting You

Listening to the serenade of your heart as it beats in a
rhythm of love, enticing desires to rise within.

Seeing your love expressed from within your eyes, seeping

Hearts Meeting

Having paid my dues many times over, now wanting and
accepting an unconditional love at long last.

Heart open, pulsing with desire, hoping beyond hope

Blinded By Lonely Abandonment

Floundering in an endless sea, wondering whether or not I
should succumb to it's undertow and let it carry me away
to a distant shore on the next horizon.

Afraid To Think

Lying in sleep-filled dreams, not caring to think about
anything, just trying to forget

Working for a little while, yet the fear of what's to

Loving Very Much

Lying there on the bed, tired out from a day's work, my
love reaching out across the room, touching him gently
so as not to wake him up.

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