RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Boosting Desires

Rushing along pathways, realizing moments of truth as they
fly and soar past and above us.

Always giving feelings of desire a boost, rapidly taking

Genuinely Within

Taking a shot in the dark, finding the target every
time no matter what the rhythm may be.

Tasting the essence of every note as it's being

Looking Toward Nature

Slowly looking toward nature while sitting here, peering
out over the mountains in the very near distance.

Watching birds fly, flapping their wings and then landing

Benefitting Writing

Heart-breaking, being torn in two so many times in life,
tears stored in depths of my soul where they cannot be
touched, only added to.

Rhythm Creating Poetry

Stepping in time to music, rocking to it's rhythm, believing
in it's ability to create poetry.

Filling depths of intellect with an imagination of truth

Watching Pictures Of Thought

Crossing and re-crossing vertical lines of imagination,
watching pictures of thought reverberate and collect
within fabrics of this mind.

Complacent Mood

Nature galloping quietly alongside intellect, protecting
it's essence, allowing it to penetrate, be written out
and brought to life.

Becoming Future Moments

Playing the piano in my mind rapidly, solidly and happily
while writing.

Strange thoughts are dropping from rhythms and being placed

Wasted Rhythms

Day by day, measured in time, notes written, youth misspent
and swept under carpets of age-old rhetoric.

Nothing coming to light, troubles multiplied as life sinks

Steps Of Unspoken Wisdom

Hungry for tidbits of wisdom, meeting with ideas in filing
cabinets kept throughout the years.

Lying down in beds of roses, never going to sleep, placidly

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