RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Feeling Out Of Place

Joining the afternoon
dance, only because Neil
is playing.

Velvet Sorrow

Retracting light from prisms of a mind, focusing
beams onto poetry lines.
Rainbow-colored imagination grasping beautiful
thoughts from gray-colored words, turning them

Some Needless Ideas

Medicine is still cowering in the dark ages, keeping it's
mistakes close, never to be admitted.

Hurting and torturing people with a relay of unending

Enjoying Diversity's Freedom

Christmas decorations abounding all over the U.S., religious
preferences being shown in the menorah and nativity scenes
everywhere, everyone enjoying the diversity freedom allows
and brings to us all.

Wanting To Escape

Screaming, yelling, silently within, unable to let it
go out loud.

Enticing thoughts, wanting to let them escape, but not

Revolving Mind

Stopping along the way, finding exciting things in nature,
discovering and exploring all of it without losing the
integrity of anything.

Clock Moments

Watching clocks of past times
revolve around present situations,
allowing us to find pleasure
in moments of splendor.

Wrestling Through Life

Wrestling through the years, winning and losing many times,
fighting for his lost father through everyone he wrestles
with over and over.

Pages Of Unlimited Potential

Stone cold passages keep moving through foyers of long ago,
tunneling beneath the ground, having all that is needed in
this wonderful world of unheeded favorite thoughts.

Find An Open Space

Riding down freeways of incessant behaviors, watching them
step up in front, knowing that each one will find it's place
in the interior destiny of my future.

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