RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Lonely Horizon

Brushing away forces put upon a child is difficult after
a number of years have passed and middle-age has begun.

Jettisoning pieces around a mind, attempting to put

Unused Genius

A cloud of smoke, a burst of purple, as nature attempts to
live it's life in spite of existing pollution.

Colors being faded by the exhaust of vehicles, especially

Differences In Life

Differences in life are cut short by insistence of prejudice
and self.

Short-changing others to benefit self-esteem and worth, likely

Fingers Of Turmoil

Baubles of childhood spill out upon floors of hidden memories,
rolling uncontrollably across a mind of past regrets.

Eyes always searching tops of trees, hoping to grasp onto a

Focusing Problems

Problems focusing themselves onto pages of everyday history,
hurling themselves from left field into your lap.

Negative reactions flowing abundantly drowning inner emotional

Wheels Of Fortune

Wheels of fortune rattle around, making noise, but never
really giving anyone help.

Coffers filled majestically and held quite steadily away

Dissatisfied Art

Splurting colors into the universe on modes of different
instruments, never weighing certain consequences that
will one day be returned in kind.

Lost Life - Part I

Waking seconds before in apprehensive knowing of death

Rapid wind, making sounds by a speeding car up above us on

Lost Life - Part Iii

The male voice had belonged to an eighteen year old, walking
on the road when a speeding truck came upon him and swerved
so as not to hit him, but somehow the boy walked directly in
front of it, getting hit.

Lost Life - Part Ii

A man and woman walked up and we started talking, he had been
the first one to the top to help the boy, telling me what had
transpired, then went up the mountain a second time to give
his report to the sheriff.

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