RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Taking A Hint From Nature

A large tree seemingly surrounding three tall palm trees
in the distance, looking like it's hugging them, a Divine
grace from above.

Naturally Taking Care Of Themselves

Watching and looking closely at nature, trees so graceful,
growing towards heaven and spreading their shaded love over
earth, creating a cooler place for humanity to stop and rest.

A Lasting Impression

Rhythms bouncing along on an afternoon breeze, touching
minds and hearts of people here, listening to DokandGaul,
beats rising and falling.

World Of Poetry

Living in a world of poetry, its essence filling this being
totally inside and out, listening to stories being told in
and through every measure and chord being played.

Hearing Creatively

Waving through trees on earth, steadily beating rhythms of
nature, not being heard by most people, because they're
not one with nature.

Spiritual Intensity Of Imagination

Imagination rising above, entering other dimensions that
haven't been visited before this mere poet found them and
loves being the only one within them.

Energized By Colors Of Sound

Tirelessly listening to music and rhythms, being energized
by the colors of its sound, rapidly playing guitarist, now
taking this mind into a realm of ingenious measures.

Color - Coded Rhythms

Life in the midst of music captivates this mind, allowing
it the freedom to dance to its own innate rhythms, play-
ing and teasing intellect with its wily energetic sounds.

Drumstick Rythms

Rhythms of drumsticks adding to the staccato sounding
repertoire being played, touching and taking mind and
intellect into a pool below an interior waterfall.

Silently Obeying

Steady beats of rhythm taking away from life and up the
stairway to heaven where all is perfect and beautiful,
nothing to mar the honesty of God, Himself.

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